Monday, July 25, 2011

Williams, Arizona (Grand Canyon)

Yesterday we arrived in Williams, Arizona, a very cool little town which Route 66 runs through. Today we checked out the Grand Canyon...

Okay, as much as I'd like to take credit for this picture and the one following, I can't. I took a photo of a photo... But I could have fooled you couldn't I have!?

I think it's safe to say that there t'aint many of all y'all who've seen a sign like this before.

We did a bit of a hike down... and then, of course, up.

This, my friends, is a condor. You'll definitely need to double click on this picture to see just how... well, unpretty his head is. Notice too that he's been tagged and bears the number 72. The other animals that we saw today were lizards, deer and squirrels.

Laying down to take a peak from a safe distance and angle... still a little unnerving!

I would have to say that Bryce Canyon is better when compared to the Grand Canyon. In part it was the haze that was in the valley but also that the bottom was so far beneath us that we couldn't get the full experience of how high it was. Does that make sense?

The girls and I posted ourselved on an edge. We'd read earlier today that there aren't many people who fall over the edge but those who do seldom survive the initial 300' drop. There was actually a ledge about 5' beneath us so that afforded us some safety.

Each night in Williams the Cataract Creek Gang put on a gun show and tonight was no different. This was one of the 'bad guys'. The last time we saw one of these Emily, approximately 5 years old, ran out to the bad guy explaining to him that he shouldn't play with guns.

If you have only a vague idea of the history behind the road, let me give you just a little more info. Back in the 20's a road was built to connect Chicago with Los Angeles - this road was Route 66. A movie and a television show which ran in the 50s and early 60s made the road more popular. You'll recognize the lyrics, 'get your kicks, on route 66'.

The girls have been 'penned up' in the back seat a fair bit as we travel but as you can see, they handle it well. Roxy gets 1/3 of the back seat (we lift the seat and she stretches out on the floor - she travels very well).

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