Thursday, July 21, 2011

Disney and the Newport Wedge

We arrived at Williams, Arizona about 30 minutes ago and YAY for excellent wifi which has allowed me to upload the pictures which were missing from my last couple of posts. Excuse the fact that the photos are first and the info is now at the bottom.

Since we camped 1 mile from Disneyland we had awesome seats right beside our trailer for the nightly firework shows.

Okay, Les, I thought of you when we walked down the streets of Newport Beach. The homes were very nice and I especially loved the entryways with solid wood doors. Here are a few that caught my eye.

This rogue wave is heading UPHILL toward us and the climb is about a 10' increase. This is a result of the world known (but not previously by us) Newport Wedge (the link to youtube and additional info is below).

This is the jetty which the waves initially crash into prior to bouncing off and to the shore we were standing on.

We arrived in Anaheim on Tuesday and within a couple hours were set up and at Downtown Disney. On Wednesday we did Disney's California Adventure and rode about 2/3 of the rides! I was amazed too! When we did Disneyworld Spring Break 2010 the girls weren't very interested in the rides but times, they are a-changing! The swings were too scary for Scott so he sat out but he put on a brave face and we all did Goofys rollercoaster together. I think our favorite ride was Soarin'. There were about 8 of us sitting side by side and strapped in as if we were on a plane. Our row was lifted so we could no longer touch the ground - we could see a large screen in front of us. Music began and the scenes changed. Breezes and smells were added. At one point we were over an orange grove and could smells oranges! Disney sure does it up right. At another time we dipped down over a golf course just as one of the people on the screen shouted FOUR and seemingly just missed us with the ball. Incidently, Soarin' was a ride that we went to Epcot twice for in Florida but couldn't get on either time.

Today we got lost. Literally. Somehow we missed a turn and ended up at Newport Beach and specifically at "The Wedge". ( We hadn't heard of it before but you can check out the link or check it out on youtube. The waves were 'only' 3' today but they can get up to 30'. Craziness. If it had been warmer and I were dressed for it I think I'd have given bodysurfing a try.

The temp at the beach was 22 but here at our campground we were at 28 at 4pm. Tis good to be inland. Pool time!

Tomorrow - Universal Studios.

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