Sunday, July 3, 2011

On our way!

Hello friends and family! Today I'm sitting lakeside at Pend Orielle Lake (pronounced Ponderray) and listening to the water lap at the dock. The water is higher than usual... okay that's a little lax, the owners have never seen it this high before - and it means that the dock needs some serious repairs. We can walk on a portion of it but in some spots a board will be missing and in others, one wing of the dock is gone.
When we left Calgary we spent 2 nights with Dean & Jennifer Siewert, formerly of south of High River but now living just west of Cranbrook. It was a great place to camp and such a nice time of visiting. We did Canada Day at Fort Steele and had a BBQ that night at the home of Karen & Craig's friends, also in Cranbrook.
We arrived in Idaho yesterday and are settling in nicely. This campground is a little more squishy but everyone is so nice and comes back year after year. It's good to see everyone again.
Tomorrow is Independence Day and we're looking forward to those festivities too. Scott picked up a large quantity of fireworks which he'll shoot off tomorrow evening prior to the campground owners shooting off theirs and then we head into Hope to see yet another display. The past 2 times we've camped here we've been with friends who have a boat and they've taken us to the bay near where the fireworks are being set off. It's a great view and it's just cool to be in a boat when it's about dark but to watch the reflections of the colors on the water is really neat.
Well I'm hoping that my supper will be ready if I head back to the campsite now... I may have timed it just right. Scott offered... and how can I deny him that offer?!? :)
Oh, one more thing. Kaitlyn ate sushi last night. She caught the fish herself, let it swim in the bucket a little then popped it into her mouth and it was gone. In more ways than one. I should mention that the fish was less than 2" long and you could almost see through it. All the same, when she threw up about 5 hours later she was pretty sure she could see it in the toilet. :) I don't think she'll eat fish like that anytime soon.
Happy trails!
Oh - I have been taking pictures but thought it best to get a note on this blog before I got too far behind. They're coming - you'll have to watch for them.

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