Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Flash flood and a soaked camera

Today we ventured to Escalante where a decision was made to do a 6 mile round trip hike to Calf Creek lower falls. The forecast was in our favor with a high of 24 and sun. We didn't have the proper footwear on (flipflops... I know) but when all was said and done I was glad that I wore those and not runners.
The first 1/4 of the walk was gorgeous; absolutely spectacular as we walked through the valley. (You'll soon understand why I can't produce photos but I can direct you to this website: www.utah.com/hike/calf_creek.htm) The path was a reddish orange sand with the occasional limestone rock. A gentle rain started but it quickly turned to a downpour. We stopped under an oak tree to get out of the rain for a bit and Katie prayed that the rain would stop and that we could continue our walk. We got back on the path and sure enough the rain quit. We enjoyed the tropical sounds from the birds and the air even smelled tropical. The rain began again but this time it was accompanied by thunder and lightning. Because we were in the valley the thunder was LOUD. As the rain began to come down harder we needed to make a decision whether to continue to the falls or to turn back - either way we'd be drenched.
We had been forewarned by numerous signs that flash floods were a reality so our decision became easier - we turned around. The downpour continued and the sights of lightning and sounds of thunder became much closer together. (Mel, you would have loved it!) Course, being in the valley of such high and unstable looking peaks I felt like I was in a movie and that with the next roar of thunder the rocks would begin to come down.
The flash flooding began. We had to walk through areas which on our way there were dry but now were a stream of their own, some as great as 4" deep. I can't remember how many times I had to stop a floating flip flop for one of the girls... God had us in his hand though.
Long before this point my camera was on the inside of my tshirt and tucked into my shorts. It didn't matter; it was soaked just like every bit of me. The girls cameras are working fine - Kaitlyn's even survived a drop into a mucky puddle. We're trying a couple things to see if mine can be fixed... if not, we're hoping for a great deal on a new camera in Vegas! We're heading there tomorrow.
One more thing. I remembered in my frustration at the events that I said, 'God we're looking for your plan'. When all was said and done (and after a very funny incident with Emily), I asked the girls what the point of the hike had been. They said we'd wanted to see a waterfall. We realized then that we'd seen about a 1/2 dozen of them as the flash flooding caused them to begin over high peaks. I'm not sure that was the actual point to our experience - I think there were many; but we're safe and we're dry. And 2 out of 3 cameras isn't so bad!
I hope this finds you all well! Feel free to leave comments so we know you're out there and reading along.

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