Saturday, June 7, 2014

Summer's coming

I'm having one of those moments.  You know the ones, (I hope,)  where you recognize how truly blessed you are.  Not just for the big things but the usual, everyday things that we so easily take for granted.  Loved ones, vehicles in good working order, a fridge/freezer with food in it, a great school, respectable places of employment, heat and air conditioning... and looking forward just a little, SUMMERTIME! 

Today we had a hint of that again.  I think it's about 25 degrees right now and what a great day for not only the community garage sale but also for Spruce Meadows.  The more usual scenario with Spruce Meadows is that if an event is scheduled, so is rain.  Not so this weekend.  We've been invited to go tomorrow at no cost in appreciation of First Responders. 

I don't want to hold you up for long so I'll bid you adieu.  Hope you're enjoying your weekend!  Oh, and take a minute to think about your blessings and give thanks. 

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Scotiabank 10K

I (Jennifer) did it again - I think for the 7th time!  Today I competed in the Scotiabank Marathon's 10k event and had two lovely ladies with me until shortly after the start line.  Emily spotted the 1 hour pace bunny and decided that she would finish the race with that group.  Worked for a while - in the end she shaved 21 minutes off of last years finish time and crossed the finish line at 1:09.  SENSATIONAL!

Katie was a great encourager to me and I suppose I reciprocated the same to her.  We carved off 10 minutes from last years time and finished at 1:20.

Photos were taken of us at different times by both strangers and friends so hopefully I can get some commemorative photos up here for you to see. 

Only 364 sleeps til we do it again! 

Sunday, May 11, 2014


Last night was the fourth and final presentation of our school's Spring Production of Tarzan.  Katie auditioned back in October and was selected to play the part of one of the apes.  There were hundreds of hours put in by a large cast, an orchestra, those involved in costuming, set, sound, lights and a variety of other volunteers.  The show was a great success. 
Last night when I dropped off Katie I decided to check in on the make-up process.
Costume on?  Check.  Time for make up. 
Yup, make up applied with a 1" paint brush. 
Now for the finer details.

Here's Katie after the 3rd performance, with a very good ape friend.
I asked the Director what she had lined up for next years production and believe it or not, she expects to make that decision this week.  Lights, Camera, Action!

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Do you want to build a snowman... in MAY???

On Friday night we tucked ourselves in knowing about the forecasted 5-10mm.  What greeted us in the morning was that... any many more.  Apparently we had about 25cm instead.  I actually caught myself, after the grunt, saying that it looked pretty.  The budding branches on the trees were weighed down, some of them touching the ground, creating little arches from which to view the plants growing.

I woke Emily up with a song from Frozen.  You guessed it:  Do you want to build a snowman?   And we did. 


I caught a glimpse of something yellow perched atop some greenery from the kitchen window.  That caused me to grab a camera and head out for a closer look.  The pictures below show the third and fourth variety of plants to be blooming (or, almost blooming) in our backyard.  I suspect we'll see blooming tulips later this week. 

With our snow melting (for the twenty seven billionth time this year) I noticed a previously perky happy fellow looking a little glum.  I have to admit, I was a little sad looking at him.  I felt a little like Frosty's friends, trying to think where I could move him so he didn't die. 

Sunday, April 20, 2014

He is Risen! He is Risen indeed

The angel said to                                   the women,

“Do not be afraid, for I know that you are looking for


who was CRuCiFieD. 

He is not here;

He has Risen just as He said”.

Matthew 28:5-7

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Ummm, spring break?

Well they call it SPRING break but looking outside you're wondering if the calendar is a tad warped in its' understanding.  Just a week ago we had lovely temperatures, the snow was melting in record setting speeds and some of the birds had returned.  Wonder what they're thinking now.

I'm one of those seasonal affected disorder (SAD) people who need something after Christmas to look forward to.  With money wrapped up in a flooded High River (2 homes there which are still waiting for some effort of repair) we aren't in any position to be considering travelling far.  Truth is that for the first week of our break the girls and I didn't have any plans other than getting their friends together for laser tag, the girls are getting hair cuts and we are making use of a spa gift card I received a couple years ago.  Scott has time off during our second week so we'd hoped to go to the trailer in BC to complete a repair, to relax, and frankly, just to get away.

If we aren't able to go that direction perhaps us girls will slide down to Kalispell for a couple nights.  They've grown out of nearly everything they wore last summer so we're starting again... again.  Perhaps we can find some deals on clothing for them. 

My uncle in the lower mainland had a heart attack last Sunday and subsequently was diagnosed with cancer, told his kidneys are failing and that he's bleeding internally.  As of yesterday they'd secured a spot in a hospice for him - he's to move in on Tuesday, but the medical staff aren't sure he'll survive until then. 

Meanwhile, his only living brother is in a hospital in Alberta because the kidney he received came with a virus.  It is being treated and his family anticipates that he'll be discharged mid week. 

According to the website the highways between Banff and well west of Revelstoke are slippery in sections and there had been risk of avalanches too.  Not sure it's worth the risk.  Perhaps we will get up to the Edmonton area to visit with that uncle.

Oh - something happy!!  The girls both did fantastical on their term 2 report cards.  Em didn't think she'd make honors this term but she nailed it.  We're proud of them both.  Katie is in grade 6 so she has to do provincial achievement exams at the end of the year but Emily may just find herself not having to write finals... that's not the experience I had in school.  Seems to me being exempt was a secret no one told me about until about June 1.  I'm competitive - perhaps that would have been incentive to try harder.  Not sure. 

Anwyways - the weather guy this morning said that wintery weather is evident across Canada and that sometime this week every province would receive snow.  I know that the bulbs are blooming in the lower mainland and the trees that do flower - are.  Ahhhhh, spring.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

I just gotta say


Less than 3 1/2 minutes left in regulation time, US is up 2-0 over the Canadian women's' hockey team when Canada's Jenner scores.  With 90 seconds left Canada's goalie is pulled so we get the extra attacker and with 54 seconds remaining, Canada scores to tie it up.  That's Poulin's first of the game.

Into overtime... Throw in a couple penalties (they played a little 3 on 3) when the US gets another penalty as Hayley W is on a breakaway but goes sprawling when she gets bumped by a US player.  With Canada on a power play, Poulin dropped the puck into the net and the deal was done - Canada wins gold, 3-2, against the US.

So gentlemen, when we play the US tomorrow for the men's gold, how about a replay of the same only if you don't mind, wrap it up a little earlier. 
