Sunday, March 23, 2014

Ummm, spring break?

Well they call it SPRING break but looking outside you're wondering if the calendar is a tad warped in its' understanding.  Just a week ago we had lovely temperatures, the snow was melting in record setting speeds and some of the birds had returned.  Wonder what they're thinking now.

I'm one of those seasonal affected disorder (SAD) people who need something after Christmas to look forward to.  With money wrapped up in a flooded High River (2 homes there which are still waiting for some effort of repair) we aren't in any position to be considering travelling far.  Truth is that for the first week of our break the girls and I didn't have any plans other than getting their friends together for laser tag, the girls are getting hair cuts and we are making use of a spa gift card I received a couple years ago.  Scott has time off during our second week so we'd hoped to go to the trailer in BC to complete a repair, to relax, and frankly, just to get away.

If we aren't able to go that direction perhaps us girls will slide down to Kalispell for a couple nights.  They've grown out of nearly everything they wore last summer so we're starting again... again.  Perhaps we can find some deals on clothing for them. 

My uncle in the lower mainland had a heart attack last Sunday and subsequently was diagnosed with cancer, told his kidneys are failing and that he's bleeding internally.  As of yesterday they'd secured a spot in a hospice for him - he's to move in on Tuesday, but the medical staff aren't sure he'll survive until then. 

Meanwhile, his only living brother is in a hospital in Alberta because the kidney he received came with a virus.  It is being treated and his family anticipates that he'll be discharged mid week. 

According to the website the highways between Banff and well west of Revelstoke are slippery in sections and there had been risk of avalanches too.  Not sure it's worth the risk.  Perhaps we will get up to the Edmonton area to visit with that uncle.

Oh - something happy!!  The girls both did fantastical on their term 2 report cards.  Em didn't think she'd make honors this term but she nailed it.  We're proud of them both.  Katie is in grade 6 so she has to do provincial achievement exams at the end of the year but Emily may just find herself not having to write finals... that's not the experience I had in school.  Seems to me being exempt was a secret no one told me about until about June 1.  I'm competitive - perhaps that would have been incentive to try harder.  Not sure. 

Anwyways - the weather guy this morning said that wintery weather is evident across Canada and that sometime this week every province would receive snow.  I know that the bulbs are blooming in the lower mainland and the trees that do flower - are.  Ahhhhh, spring.

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