Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Our water damage

It's been a week since we realized we had some 'water damage' and today the pipe was fixed and the construction began. For the past week I've washed dishes in a bucket - sometimes it was sitting in my bathtub and I was bent in half getting the dishes clean. After 90 minutes of that last Friday I found the paper plates, plastic cups and cutlery and washed dishes more often. Scott thought he'd be able to fix the pipe himself but everytime he grabbed the pipe it would break.
The plumber came today and said he'd never seen anything like it, the pipe essentially disintegrated in his hands. No worries though, it's fixed all the way from the sink/dishwasher into the kitchen floor/basement ceiling and into the basement floor. Here's hoping that's the only pipe in our house that's like that!

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