Sunday, April 15, 2007

Where does the time go? Since I last wrote we've had snow and sun and thankfully it appears that there is no more snow in the forecast! It was about 20 degrees here yesterday which is above normals but there hasn't been much normal about our temperatures lately... The tulips are up (no flowers yet) and there are many perennials that have come to life. This is such a great time of year.
The girls were on spring break (Kaitlyn returned last week & Emily is on day 17 of 17 off today) and we managed one out of town trip as a family. We were at Fernie last Thursday - the girls were in 2.5 hour lessons and that gave Scott and I opportunity to check out the higher elevations. It's amazing how quickly the girls learned and after a short time they were riding the lift (crazy carpet - it's like a moving sidewalk up the hill), getting off it, turning their skies down the hill, sking down, slowing down and then turning to get back onto the lift. Plans are in the works for what to do next year. Maybe hook them up with some 1 hour lessons in the afternoon and again the next morning then we'll ski the day together.
The weather on the hill was gorgeous with only a little wind at the top. The sky was blue and the snow was fine (a little slow in some spots).
I've been super busy with Stampin' Up lately ( which is good; so long as I prioritize my time and my family doesn't have to wait too long for me. I'm on week 5 of a 6 week 'bootcamp' which is teaching how to grow my business and it's been tough! So far so good - there have been 4 people discharged so far for not completing their weekly requirements so I'm hanging in!
Speaking of Stampin' Up I need to get going on this weeks challenge!

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