Sunday, July 10, 2011

Welcome to Cannonville, Utah!

Hey Mel, I was thinking of you when I took this picture because of your expression, 'well I'll be dipped'. These formations kinda look like they've been 'dipped' too! This evening we did a 'death walk', as the kids call it, (AKA a hike) to Mossy Cave and a waterfall. The cave itself was cool but we couldn't enter it as the path ended just inside (it wasn't very big) with a railing and a substantial drop.

There have been many questions from the girls with regard to the type of wildlife that we may see... or that may bite, sting or eat us. We were told that the scorpions only come out at night and that if we were to have a black light the scorpion would show up as if it were shiny. We're not going to get to see one I guess... cuz we're not going out at night and don't have a black light. Simple as that. Personally I'd like to see one - or to be able to SAY that I saw one and naturally I'd like a corresponding photo to go with that adventure.

The purpose of our .4 mile walk to Mossy Cave and area was so we could see the sun reflecting off the hoodoos. When the sun came through the clouds I was too amazed at the beauty to remember to snap the picture but trust me, it was pretty. Maybe if it's a clearer night tomorrow we'll try again. And, maybe this time I'll remember to capture the picture.

Check out the right side of the formation - the narrow piece helping support the larger piece. Spectacular.

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