Sunday, August 25, 2013

Safely home

The girls and I had the coolest and most special night on our last evening before returning home yesterday.  We sat down at the beach and thanked God for the blessings which we felt so richly this summer.  We get it - not many get to experience 8 weeks away from home at a resort where the average temperature was about 29 degrees daily.  But on top of that we felt peace, excitement, relaxation, the beauty which is God's creation, exhilaration of scary surprises, and we witnessed God's amazing timing when a black bear popped up out of the ditch alongside our van and stood on its' hind legs while we snapped pictures. Fear not, he was at least 30' away and my vehicle was still in 'drive'.
We got to cheer on our BC Lions as they beat the Stamps at BC Place two weeks ago.  We attended church in my home church in Vernon.  We visited places and enjoyed foods/drink made/grown right there.  Not to mention picking strawberries and cherries, making strawberry and raspberry jams, canning cherry & peach pie fillings, and eating each of these things fresh as well as frozen (blueberries & blackberries).  Nothing like 'from the tree to the table'! 
The kids went to Bible camp for the first time and it was only the beginning of things that helped them grow this summer - and me too!  God sent Jesus to die for ALL.  Not just the pretty or the heterosexuals.  Not just those who abstain from illegal and addictive substances or those who are sexually pure.  It was a summer of the girls being exposed to people and the things that some are 'into'.  Being a parent is about preparing your children to deal with things that come their way and I'm so pleased with how they handled knowing someone they befriended was dealing drugs while another friend had spent time on the streets while involved in prostitution. 
Love one another.  They modeled it, carefully but boldly.  They stood up for what they believed to be right but not in a judgemental way, and they were respected for it.  I learn much from my girls.  What a blessing they are. 
I'm thankful for the lessons learned through the good, different and scary events of our summer.  Each lesson transforms us and helps us grow.  May we be who God intends for us to be. 
May He take you by the hand this day and lead you into it.

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