Saturday, December 8, 2012


Yesterday a member of our church was stuck and killed by a C-train.  He's left behind a wife and children.  He wasn't yet 55. 

This morning I watched a portion of a program highlighting the efforts of the SickKids Hospital in Toronto.  They profiled real families going through unspeakable pain and wondering, as world reknowned doctors do whatever possible to increase the chance of survival for these children. 

These two incidents caused a twist in my thoughts - almost a conviction in how I'd been feeling about preparing for Christmas.  While families sit bed-side in hospitals "holding on" or are today going to funeral homes to make final plans, perhaps many of us are busily running around hoping to cross items off of our to do lists.  I don't think I'm alone in my musings, this is a busy time of year!  But why?  Why do we put so much pressure on ourselves to shop and spend and plan and bake and clean and invite and send cards?  Is it satisfying?  I think if it were truly enjoyable we'd do it all year long; wouldn't we? 

I've noticed personally that this time of year is more about the 'getting it done', finishing the shopping and card writing, it's far more time stealing than celebrating the birth of our Savior.  Or if you don't want it that deep - when was the last time you spoke with that someone you're stressing over purchasing a gift for?  Actually sat down and looked at their face while they talked about real life? 

Sharing time, making memories.  I'm putting that on my to-do list and while we're doing that over and over again, I'm not crossing it off of the list.  The rest of the push, the planning, has little importance to me now.

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