Sunday, August 5, 2012

Day 4: campsite & a fire lookout climb

The dog seems to have some allergy problems again as she wakes during the night to chew and/or lick herself and/or to shake her head (ears).  All of this disturbs the sleep of Scott & I so again today we slept in until 9:30.  We had breakfast then gathered up our 4 loads of laundry for the non-enjoyable portion of life on the road.  Actually at the last campground (Milton, Ontario) washes and dry's were $1.50 each and the whole process was complete in an hour (4 washers/dryers available).  Here, not so good with a wash cost of $2.75 and the dryer runs for 5 minutes on a quarter.  The process here was about 2.5 hours... ick. 

The blessing in this is that not only do we have clean clothes and towels etc, we also made it back to the trailer with our clean and folded stuff about 15 minutes before the skies opened and the downpour began. 
After lunch we chilled for oh, about 4 minutes before Scott was convinced to take the girls to the pool.  I followed a bit later (trying to talk some reason into a migraine held me back).  The swim was nice and again, the kids amaze us as they gain more confidence in the water.

The kids have set into some crafts for about an hour or so before I convinced the masses to get out the badminton rackets and football.  This led into a hike of sorts and once again I'm fairly confident we had a moose not far from us - I heard what sounded like a cow and did indeed see a hoof print along the trail.  We're sitting down to supper now (steak, mashed spuds and edamame beans followed by apple turnovers ala Katie and her mom) then hope to climb the Dorset fire tower yet tonight.  I'd hoped to enjoy the sunset from up there but the tower closes at 8pm.  Oh well, it offers a 360 degree view and edges Lake of the Bays, the lake we played on all day yesterday. 

Tomorrow we move on to Sturgeon Falls, Ontario, a 2.5 hour drive.
Best run if we're going to make it in time. 
Hope it's sunny where you are!

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