Thursday, January 6, 2011

Family sledding

On January 2 and with sleds and dog in tow we headed west to K-Country, otherwise known as Kananaskis or, so as not to offend, Can-a-donkey-smooch. (Sound out the K word again & you'll figure it out.) There's a toboganning hill along the highway that we visit many times each winter and this year we shared it with guests from about 30 other vehicles. I've never seen so many other people there but it's a wide enough hill for all of us. Those more daring stuck to their end while we were in an area a little more tame. This was proven a few times as sledders on the other end would speed down the hill (as did we), and onto or across the highway (as we most certainly did not). The base at the bottom of our runs was built up quite a bit as you can see in the video of Emily on the blue sled... course she went right up and over it...

Here's a video of Katie going down the hill. It seemed a little tough to make it on the crazy carpet for a whole run but she had fun. The snow was excellent and I look forward to our family (Roxy included) doing it again.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey there - just read/watched your blog on summer 2010 and New Years - it was great. I figured the chickens the girls were holding looked like Bobs. I got a laugh with the translation of Kananaskis - don't know how many times I've said that & not thought of Glad to hear everyone is doing well - we are good here. Say hi to all. How old is Roxy? Take care. ttyl