Saturday, March 17, 2007

We recovered from our last snow fall. When all was said and done there was about 2" piled lightly but I don't know what exactly the weather dudes would say we had. Today it's beautiful with a current temp of 17, yes that's on the plus side. I just checked my flower beds for signs of life and with exception to buds on the trees/shrubs and some quack grass; nothing. The girls and I started some seeds indoors about 4 days ago and already the zinnia's (well, 1) is up.

We took the girls rollerskating (indoor) on Thursday night and had a really good time. I was impressed with them because there was no complaining or 'giving up'. Emily wants to hold her birthday party at the rink. I can't believe she'll be 7! Kaitlyn will be 5 next month and time is going way too quick for my liking but I'm thankful that she's still a snuggler.

I was all set to have some excitement tomorrow by trying something some may think is over the top. At our lake (1.5blks from our house) there will be a polar bear plunge tomorrow and I was going to join in. Scott was too afraid to do it. I went to the lake today to get the details and the event isn't open to us though we can watch. Instead there will be members of the Calgary Stampeders, celebrities etc and it's a fundraiser for the Y. I'm bummed because I haven't done anything recently that some would consider a challenge and I really want to! Oh well. Scott offered to throw me in - he's coming with me if I go in, he just doesn't know that yet. :)

Monday, March 12, 2007

That's just too funny, and typical of Southern Alberta. After signing off on the post a couple hours ago I looked outside and noticed it is SNOWING! That'll teach me for getting all excited about green grass! Thankfully it has now stopped snowing and we got only enough to say it snowed. Crazy.
Wow I can't believe it's been 6 weeks since I last posted! Since then we've had about 20' of snow; okay so I exagerate a little... It doesn't matter anyways because overnight last night it melted; all of it. Our grass stayed pretty much green underneath and I think it may even be a little greener than our neighbors (for once)! They're snow birds so I was thinking of fertilizing mine today (yes, it's too early) and really shocking them when they return. Such a fun competition that we've got going - well I guess it's just me since they don't know about it (or maybe they do...).
While Emily was in school Kaitlyn and I headed for the backyard and while she played in the umm, mud, I came close to falling asleep on the deck. The sun was so warm on my face and I think I may have gotten a wee bit of a tan. Katie's cheeks are a little pink so I guess we're already at that time where I need to be keeping the sun screen handy for that fair skin of hers. I actually thought she got some new freckles today but upon looking closer I realized that it was just dirt.
We were at the zoo on Saturday and it was the first time that many of the animals were droopy. Usually the bears will be wrestling with one another and the hippo's and gorillas will be more entertaining but not this time. The only animals running were the lions (meal was being delivered) and the wolves who'd already received theirs and they were busy chasing one another away from it. Oh, I used the video feature on our digital camera and taped the bald eagle bathing in the creek. It was dipping it's head into the water and then ruffling it's wings / feathers all around.
Happy spring!