Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Happy Wednesday to you! Though it's January I've begun some Christmas preparation. I was so busy doing my Stampin' Up! demonstrator stuff ( that last year I almost ran out of time to create my own Christmas cards. Not this year! I decided that each month (except maybe the summer months) I'd make 5 Christmas cards and I started last night! I've included a picture of the January's.
As I likely said before, Emily attends Glenmore Christian Academy. Kaitlyn will be ready for kindergarten this fall and this last week she received her acceptance letter! We're hoping she can be on the same schedule as Emily was with 2 days/week and alternating Mondays. I think it better prepares a child for the full day schedule of grade 1.

Tomorrow is the day we move into our new commercial space. I haven't seen it yet but will head down tomorrow afternoon (after I use up some gift certificates to the spa! YAY!) and check it out. It will be strange not to have to juggle vans around to get my car out of the garage!
Have a great day!

Saturday, January 20, 2007

I'm back! I couldn't remember my username to sign back in but YAY, I'm in! Life is good (and not just cuz I am back here either).

Christmas was good. We spent time with family in High River and Calgary and one of these years we're going to get those BC relatives to join us too! Maybe we'll meet in the mountains and make snow angels and snow persons together! That would be fun - and so relaxing. We'd come inside to eat and do puzzles and sleep.

Being on this leave of absence is wonderful. I LOVE spending more time at home. I'm so much more relaxed and the appearance of my house is testimony to that! The kids and Scott are happy to have me home. Working with Genesis ( is going well. We're moving into commercial space Feb 1 here in Calgary but I don't think I'll have to work out of that office. My cell phone is my business phone so I'm not tied to a building.

I'm participating in a fitness challenge and as I'm not sure if after posting this it can be deleted this makes me accountable. It's been tough getting in the work outs since the girls have returned to school but I'm starting to set aside time by writing it in my daytimer. It seems that if it's not in that book it doesn't happen. I had to go to Gold's gym to get weighed and to have my body fat measured. The guy there says I really only need to lose a couple pounds and I assured him that there would be less body fat registering on his little machine when I see him again at the completion of the challenge (April). I've been eating much wiser but still could improve. This is about a life change and not a diet.

Scott is busy as usual with his 2 full time jobs but I am hoping that very soon as I take on more responsibilities with Genesis that he'll get a bit of a break (when I say so :)). He had a very good meeting with the Health Region yesterday and if all goes according to our hopes (it's up to God of course, this is HIS company), the business will grow in an additional direction and it has potential to be HUGE.

I attended a funeral this morning for a good friends' father. Many wonderful things were said about him. The family was close and they have good memories. It was said that yes, it's easy to be sad because on Sunday he died, but they choose instead to be happy of the 28+ thousand days he lived instead. Wise words.

Time to get the girls tucked in and to go locate the counter which is under the layers of paper on the island. I also need to make a birthday card to take to church with me tomorrow. Good night all.