Saturday, December 23, 2006

Only 2 more sleeps!

I checked the thermometer on the front deck and it sure doesn't confirm that there's only 2 more sleeps until Christmas! We still have some snow but for the most part we'll have a brown Christmas with expected highs on Monday of +5.

I've already partaken of 2 turkey dinners and we'll be at another on Christmas day. It was nice to do one here last night for Les's family - there were 19 of us in total. It's also nice to have these next few days without too much pressure.

Tomorrow (Sunday) we'll go to church in the morning and then return home for a few hours before heading to Grandma's (Les' mom's) for the afternoon. It will be low key (just the way I like it) with a spread of appetizers, games, puzzles and good people. We'll attend the Christmas Eve service tomorrow night - Scott's parents and his Aunt Mary will meet us there. After the service we'll return to our home for a visit.

Scott has to do a couple Genesis trips on Christmas day which doesn't make me jump for joy but how can you be disappointed when someone else is getting the chance to visit with family for Christmas? He'll be taking 2 people to spend the day with their own families. It's such a gift.

Here is a portion of a writing I received in an e-letter from author Alton Gansky.

"Much of the world races around to fill shopping lists and empty their pockets while many of us enjoy the simple beauty that comes from the reason for the season. Let hams and turkeys be cooked, let the pine trees be erected, let the wrapping flow through homes like the tide, let the friends visit, let the gifts be exchanged, but in it all, let the One who became like us to teach us, love us, die, and be raised for us be praised. If we do nothing else, let us at least do that.

May God grant each of you the very best of Christmas. May you, at least for this season, forget the difficulties of life and remember that no matter who we are, there is One more important.

May His day remain His day."

Christmas Blessings to you,
Jennifer (Scott, Emily & Kaitlyn)

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