Saturday, December 23, 2006

Only 2 more sleeps!

I checked the thermometer on the front deck and it sure doesn't confirm that there's only 2 more sleeps until Christmas! We still have some snow but for the most part we'll have a brown Christmas with expected highs on Monday of +5.

I've already partaken of 2 turkey dinners and we'll be at another on Christmas day. It was nice to do one here last night for Les's family - there were 19 of us in total. It's also nice to have these next few days without too much pressure.

Tomorrow (Sunday) we'll go to church in the morning and then return home for a few hours before heading to Grandma's (Les' mom's) for the afternoon. It will be low key (just the way I like it) with a spread of appetizers, games, puzzles and good people. We'll attend the Christmas Eve service tomorrow night - Scott's parents and his Aunt Mary will meet us there. After the service we'll return to our home for a visit.

Scott has to do a couple Genesis trips on Christmas day which doesn't make me jump for joy but how can you be disappointed when someone else is getting the chance to visit with family for Christmas? He'll be taking 2 people to spend the day with their own families. It's such a gift.

Here is a portion of a writing I received in an e-letter from author Alton Gansky.

"Much of the world races around to fill shopping lists and empty their pockets while many of us enjoy the simple beauty that comes from the reason for the season. Let hams and turkeys be cooked, let the pine trees be erected, let the wrapping flow through homes like the tide, let the friends visit, let the gifts be exchanged, but in it all, let the One who became like us to teach us, love us, die, and be raised for us be praised. If we do nothing else, let us at least do that.

May God grant each of you the very best of Christmas. May you, at least for this season, forget the difficulties of life and remember that no matter who we are, there is One more important.

May His day remain His day."

Christmas Blessings to you,
Jennifer (Scott, Emily & Kaitlyn)

Wednesday, December 6, 2006

Crawford Chat

Well the weather outside is anything but frightful and inside ya, it's still delightful. Our forcast high for today is +13!

This year we thought we'd try something new. Our typical multiple page Christmas letter has been replaced with this blog (that name leaves something to be desired) so that those interested can check back on what's new with us anytime they want.

Here are some high lites from the past year.

Kaitlyn started our year off with a trip to Emergency. She was backing up and had fallen on a bichon schitzu which was eating - he bit her lower lip as well as the skin beneath it. 5 stitches were required, it's healing nicely and she has no fear of dogs; just a healthy respect for them.

Genesis Medi Shuttle opened an office in Lethbridge in January. In November we purchased our 4th van. Business has been good.

My sister, her daughter, a friend and myself enjoyed a day of pampering at the Banff Springs Hotel in February. This was my first time there and it thoroughly enjoyed though there's a small spa on the NW corner of Calgary which I think I prefer.

In March the girls spent some time on the slopes learning to ski. It was a 1 day program which offered rentals, lift pass, & lessons for less than $20/each. The girls are going to be starting lessons in the next month and we're hoping that in a few months we can spend a night in Banff and make use of the awesome snow that the Rocky Mountains have to offer.

In April I underwent a carpal tunnel repair which seems to have been successful. I am left with the repetitive strain injury. All of this is thanks to the mouse based computer system that we use at work.

Zoo seasons passes, Harlem Globetrotters (2nd row centre court), soccer for both girls and summer soccer camp for Emily, days in K-Country, kids bike safety course; these are a few of the things that have kept us busy over the year.

I signed our girls up for a marathon - yes, all 41+ km's of it and yes they walked the whole thing, even ran some of it! The catch is that they had 5 weeks to complete 40km using a daily walking program and then on race day they had to do the final 1.2km. Prior to them competing on race day Scott and I competed (and I use that word loosely) in a 10k. I trained to walk it and he didn't train and well, that would explain his pulled muscles. In October we participated in a 6k walk with the girls (though Scott gave Kaitlyn a shoulder ride for a good portion of that). This race is an annual event for our family.

This years Johnston family reunion was at the Camp Beverly Hills at Christina Lake. The accomodations themselves were good and the lake and weather was nice but I felt that there weren't enough alternatives to the beach for those (not myself) who had enough of it. Next year we may go back to Shuswap or even Vernon, or possibly much closer to home. It doesn't seem to matter where we go, we just really enjoy being with each other.

Emily is in grade 1 and is adjusting well. Her report card is pleasing and we're proud of her. She has the reputation of being compassionate and that suits us just fine. Kaitlyn is in pre-school and is also doing well. She goes 3 mornings/week which means peace and quite at home those mornings! I'm adjusting well to that!

Lynda (sister) and us Crawford girls did a Labor day weekend road trip to Vernon. We spent some time visiting with an aunt, laying on the beach, hiking, boating with friends who'd recently moved from Calgary and taking a trip down memory lane. We moved from there in 1978.

Emily's school is heavily involved in the gathering of Operation Christmas Child shoe box's. This year the kids in her school gave 1172 shoe boxes to this campaign! Scott has been a volunteer for OCC for several years and on collection day he went to Emily's school and helped load the back of the EMS trailer as well as another ambulance with the boxes. It is always so exciting to see that mound of boxes waiting to go to a child that otherwise would not have anything new at Christmas. It's touching to be part of something so wonderful.

The girls are both involved in Christmas concerts at school and at church. Emily has been asked to play Mary so we're busily running lines with her. Jennifer will be singing a solo in the church concert as well.

And now for the best news - as of 2am on New Years Day I (Jennifer) will be on a 1 year leave of absence from the police service. It's time to have a routine at home including sleeping when it's dark out instead of heading to work at that time, sleeping enough hours, regular exercise and proper eating; overall just getting healthy. As a bonus for Scott and his partner I will also be helping them with call answer, dispatching and other various office 'stuff'.

We will be entertaining the Rempel's on the 22nd (that's my "adoptive" family - brother in laws family) and will be with them again on the afternoon of the 24th. Christmas morning we'll do here with our immediate family and we'll head to Scott's parents for dinner that night.

May your Christmas be filled with love and joy and may your New Year be blessed.
From our home to yours,
Merry Christmas.