Thursday, March 12, 2009

Well at least it hasn't been yet another year since I've communicated via our blog. Perhaps I should rename it to the Crawford yearly chat?
It's a lovely day today after several days of temperatures much cooler. The next few days should encourage most of our snow to melt. I have just finished reading the previous post and now I am moreso envious of those that I know that are soon heading off to Hawaii for spring break. We would love to be going again but it's not happening this year. I don't think I would choose to go somewhere tropical during the summer but wonder what that experience would be like.
This summer we'd hoped to pack up the kids, dog, truck and trailer and wind our way as far south as San Diego. None of us have been to Disneyland so we'd set aside 1 week to spend in that area. The economy is a little emotional in California and perhaps it won't be long until we are feeling it too. We may shelve that trip for this year but will likley enjoy a longish road trip all the same. We've looked into heading to Vancouver Island and because of the length of our truck trailer combination we'd have to pay $250 to take the ferry EACH WAY. I think it's a bit of a rip off but if we consider the trip we'd originally planned on, we'll save more than that in fuel anyways... and we could spend a couple weeks on the Island easily.
Another option we'd looked at is heading to Northern Saskatchewan. We've heard from so many people just how beautiful it is there - I just have trouble believing it as the Saskatchewan time that I've put in was mostly between Swift Current and Regina... if you've been in that area you'll understand.
We'd welcome any suggestions from the avide campers among us.
Back to Spring Break talk - we have no plans. Scott has to work his regular rotations with EMS which limits our adventures to 3 days away which we'd be blessed to have. Perhaps we'll head to Fernie and put the girls into 1/2 day lessons, then we can leave the hill and go into town or enjoy the rest of the day on the hill with them. Another thought I had (well, I've had several) is that we could go to Edmonton and visit Karen, Craig and family or have them meet us at "The Mall" (AKA West Edmonton Mall)... sounds like a recipe for spending money... Another thought is to head to Vancouver or even Victoria but we'd want Scott along and 3 days isn't really enough time. Perhaps I can grab Lynda and the girls and load up the van and head State-side for a shopping trip... why do all of my plans include spending? Perhaps I should just stay home or hit K-Country.
We've been enjoying many trips to K-Country over the past 5-6 weeks. A couple of the times we've been scouting out campgrounds that we hadn't before visited which was nice too. It will be great to try out some new places and knowing that they're so close which enables Scott to be able to come join us girls (since we'll have most of the summer off...).
Take care,