Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Time slips away

Once again time has gotten away on me and I've not updated our blog. Well wait no longer! Let's talk about spring break (March 26-April 12). On the 28th Lynda, my girls and I headed for Mission BC where we spent 5 nights with John, Geordie & Melanie. It was so nice just to sit back and 'be' with one another!

One highlight was a planned day in North Vancouver where we'd stop in and see Mel's roommate Nor, another good friend (Gakkum), the Cleveland Dam & Ambleside Beach. As a child I can remember going to Ambleside with my mom and dad and even now I have a picture on my fridge of mom and I on the beach with a marshmallow in each of our mouths. I've had similar pictures taken of the girls and I with marshmallows in our mouths too - we're not at the beach but all the same.

The girls found a few treasures on the shore and we were treated to the sighting of a sea lion about 20' from the pier we were standing on.

(L-R) Melanie, me, Geordie, Lynda and Gakkum


I'm sure there MUST be moss on the trees at home... under the snow. I wish.

Geordie and I tried to capture the drops on the trees but this is one of the best I could catch.

Until next time...